Saturday, August 31, 2019

Leadership Assessment Essay

Leadership can be best defined as beauty. One may say that is in the eye of the beholder. The best managers consistently allow different leaders to emerge and inspire their teammates. My prior organization, Comcast Corporation, a telecommunications provider, mission statement is to deliver a superior experience to their customers every day. Jason Biske, whom is Director of Sales and Operation, created an environment where Comcast is focused solely on customers by building relationships. When we would see him, he would always speak and ask how your day or sales was going. Jason was really big on keeping the sales floor informed of new promos or contests that were going on by sending constant email communications, ongoing training sessions, or holding focus groups on various processes of improvement in the sales process. When it came to leadership styles, Jason Biske demonstrated several. He embraced democratic, coaching, pacesetting, and authoritative. He initiated structure and created an environment that made you feel a part of something. Along with that he showed consideration. We felt like our opinions mattered and there was a concern for the employees. Leaders provide a sense of direction for the employees of the organization. Without this sense of direction (both strategic and ethical), the organization and its employees could easily lose their direction.In order for any leader to be successful all styles need to be incorporated. Leaders, therefore, are given the responsibility of creating and shaping culture. The organizational structure that has been created has positioned the company in the smartest way possible. † As the world changes, the culture of organizations must sometimes be re-shaped to better fit the environment and the overall strategy of the organization (Buhler)†.Comcast strongly believes in teamwork, integrity, creativity and commitment within the organization. Managers must be convinced of the benefits as well as higher performance for their teams if they are to become enthusiastic leaders of change. â€Å"Above all, senior executives should encourage managers to think big: the new world of work opens up new possibilities for how companies define their boundaries and organize work (Lund, 2012)†.Having such a strong team of leadership gives employees as well as potential talent something to look forward to in regards to a career. The positive thing about having a clear organizational structure is simply it allows you to see the formal relationship that exits between the departments. Jason Biske‘s job as director was to improve the sales process and increase revenue in the sales department. As a result he increased revenue by 24 percent. He also rolled out a process called Sales Pro which would make the sales process simpler by focusing on relationships. Even though his styles motivated employees, he used communication through m ass emails mostly. On a daily basis, you would receive several reports on how the company is profiting. At my career level no one understood how we were contributing to these successes. Jason would get you excited to make money but somewhere in there the leadership failed.† According to Moorhead and Griffin (1998) employee motivation and ability jointly contribute towards employee performance and the most challenging task of the managers is to motivate employee to execute the utmost of their ability†. (Iqbal)†. When you have middle managers that are not as excited about their jobs, it is hard to keep the customer service reps motivated to sale the product or meet numbers when the objectives are not clear. In an organization, an individual has to be seen as a contributor. Most importantly, you have to keep your employees motivated. Most people never make it to the top because they are successful at being a doer instead of being a leader. â€Å"Leadership is more about inspiration, about guidance, about communication and building trust among the team. Management is probably the day-to-day running of an organization. It is about developing and organizing aspects of your businesses and running those businesses (Toor, 2011)†. Some best pra ctices that organizational leaders can follow are 1. Accept feedback from the people that work with you. No one knows best other than the people that deal with the customers every day. Some of the most successful companies are profitable because the organizational leader listened to what the employees shared. There is value in shared values. Secondly, try a crazy idea every now and then. Employees like creativity and a challenge to keep them on their toes. Lastly, show courage. Effective leaders sometimes have to issue orders whether or not it means they are popular or not. If you are leading effectively then your team will support you. Leaders are made, not born. â€Å"I consider leadership as something long term with a clear vision of what to achieve. Management, however, is more about function; it’s short-term and involves setting a target and achieving it. Diversity is not only important to the work environment and the business but it can also have some legal ramifications if not followed properly.† Workplace Diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. The roots of diversity does not begin to range from race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, educational background etc., rather it begins from perception of the employees towards each other (Andrew Patrick, 2011)†. Ccompanies that embrace employees from different cultural backgrounds, experiences and even countries are better positioned to succeed in this century. Hiring a diverse workforce helps a company stay in compliance with employment laws and build workplaces that are more inclusive. It also assists employees in reaching their fullest potential. When hiring and managing employees from different cultures and backgrounds it can be challenging, but it can also be very rewarding. â€Å"Diversity is not a photo opportunity. Anybody can recruit anybody. Keeping people is the challenge (Sreedhar, 2011)†. Most corporations have diversity council which allows you to manage diversity globally therefore allowing others to learn from different perspectives and cultures. From a business perspective, companies have become more innovative requiring expansion into global territories. It requires them to move people as well as products around. With that being said, a company must be able to understand international customers, their commerce and their competition better than before. Works Cited Andrew Patrick, H. (2011). Knowledge Workers Demography and Workplace Diversity. Journal Of Marketing & Management, pp. 2(2), 38-73. Buhler, P. M. (n.d.). The evolving leader of today. Supervision. pp. 59(12), 16. . Iqbal, J. Y. (n.d.). EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN MODERN ORGANIZATION: A REVIEW OF 12 YEARS. Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business,. pp. 4(3), 692-708. Lund, S. M. (2012). Preparing for a new era of knowledge work. pp. Mckinsey Quarterly, (4), 103-110. Sreedhar, U. (2011). Workforce Diversity and HR Challenges. Advances In Management. pp. 4(10), 33-36. Toor, S. (2011). Differentiating Leadership from Management. An Empirical Investigation of Leaders and Managers. Leadership & Management In Engineering, pp. 11(4), 310. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)LM.1943-5630.0000138.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Importance of the Bungalow

In the transition of the 19th to the 20th century, American families turned their interest to a new style of home; the bungalow. This new style of housing would be smaller than the previously popular living arrangements such as the Victoria style home. The bungalow homes were more uniform with each other, which created a more homogeneous look in neighborhoods. They were also much more affordable home to Americans than previous homes, and promoted efficiency and progressivism. The word bungalow was described by Gwendolyn Wright as â€Å"usually referring to a relatively unpretentious small house†¦ the term implies a one-story or story-and-a-half dwelling of between six hundred and eight hundred square feet. † Bedrooms were very small, and the kitchen was usually only big enough for one person to work in at a time. Edward Bok, the editor of the Ladies‘ Home Journal, promoted a variety of Progressive causes. He used the magazine to publicize the simple bungalow style. He stated that â€Å"we need only to be more natural: to get back to our real, inner selves. He believed the homes at the turn of the century were too cluttered and over-furnished, and many of the homes problems were directly related to nervous breakdowns of women in that time period. Bok thought many women were pressured by social criticism to refrain from simplifying their home, they dreaded the possibility that their rooms would be called â€Å"bare. † But more simp licity in the homes would, in turn, also make lives simpler. Families could have fuller lives because they would have more time. Gustav Stickley was one of the more influential promoters of the bungalow home. Stickley suggested that many social issues and problems could be remedied by the adoption of a more simple home style. Even issues such as divorce rates, lack of servants, crime, and civil disorder. He believed that â€Å"the dominant characteristics of the pioneer yet shape what are the salient qualities in American life. † He went on to say that â€Å"to preserve these characteristics and to bring back in individual life and work the vigorous constructive spirit†¦ is, in a nut-shell, the craftsman idea. Stickley proposed that the seemingly obvious place to begin readjustments was in the home, as it would appear natural that the relief from friction, which would follow the ordering of our lives along more simple and reasonable lines, would not only assure comfort and efficiency to the American workers, but would give children a better chance to grow up under higher degrees of mental, moral, and physically efficient conditions. New innovations in kitchen design would make more people, especially women, receptive to the bungalow style house. At this point, it is clear that women are becoming more active in mainstream society. Before the bungalow, most often employed female domestic servants were the primary workers in the household. These domestic servants were usually black married women rather than live-in workers. The bungalow building designs would allow more and more housewives to cook and create meals in their own kitchens. Between 1900 and 1920, the number of domestic servants declined by half, from eighty per thousand families to thirty-nine. Gwendolyn Wright says builders praised â€Å"the smaller, better-equipped kitchen, planned for the domestic scientist who had no need of a servant. † Women were now more able to experiment in the kitchen, and new appliances allowed for quicker preparation. These new appliances also gave housewives more time, which in turn, made it easier for them to become part of the working world if they chose to do so. Typical jobs that many women held in this era were receptionists, clerical workers, and typewriters. Building corporations also favored the outbreak for new, more uniform, and simpler housing. Most of the country was still available for construction, which gave these companies many opportunities. The simple design also made them easy to construct, which in theory would allow for greater profit. This is similar to the developments popular in today's society. These developments now will be erected just about anywhere there is open land, just as small bungalow's most likely did in the early twentieth century. This type of house was a â€Å"progressive house† in the sense that it had technological advances such as better equipped kitchens, running water, hot water heaters, and machines. The advancement of the bungalow would eventually lead to greater architectural discoveries, including the suburbs that comprise much of this nation's real-estate. The bungalow was widely accepted by society because democratic architecture meant good homes available to all Americans through economy of construction and materials, together with the necessary standardization.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Aldous Huxley’s Shakespearian Dystopia

The Shakespearean dystopia of Aldous Huxley Shakespeare’s works revel as masterpieces centuries after their debut, influencing generations of writers including 20th century author Aldous Huxley. Huxley’s 1932 novel, Brave New World, stands as a distinct reincarnation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, fusing a disturbing reality of a dystopian future with the key aspects of a classical Shakespearian piece. Ira Grushow highlights the similarities of these two pieces to determine Huxley’s question between innovation and emotion. Grushow reveals astounding evidence that links Huxley’s Brave New World to Shakespeare’s The Tempest by acknowledging the characteristics of Shakespeare’s piece and how they overlay Huxley’s critique on society and human values. Huxley’s novel, at its core, comes across as a reincarnation of The Tempest. Grushow exposes this by drawing comparisons between characters in both pieces. The article specifies how Bernard compares to Caliban as a â€Å"deformed monster and unwilling slave of Prospero,† (Grushow 43). Huxley intentionally made Bernard â€Å"eight centimetres short of the standard Alpha height,† and points it out continuously as a deformity (Huxley 64). Additionally, Huxley displays Mustapha Mond as â€Å"a father†¦to†¦ all under his care† (Grushow 44). A direct connection to Prospero, the father and controller in Shakespeare’s piece, Huxley demonstrates deeper insight into the traits of Shakespeare’s Prospero through Mond. Mond meets a different end then Prospero which allows Huxley to explore a new perspective while still keeping constant the main character traits. Even the character’s actions mirror the play as near the end Bernard â€Å"j umped up, ran across the room, and stood gesticulating in front of the Controller,† (Huxley 226). In surrender toward Mond, as a slave would to a master, Bernard proves to be a recreation of Caliban. The comparison of the two works enlighten new perspectives on old characters. Grushow’s article outlines Huxley’s critique on society through Huxley’s use of Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s work symbolizes classical literature and art in our society, it remains relevant because it resonates with reader. In Huxley’s world, connection and art mean nothing, everything Shakespeare’s work epitomizes results in misery in the World State. Huxley writes, â€Å"Making ninety-six human beings grow where only one grew before. Progress,† (Huxley 6). Blunt and effective, he glorifies progress and happiness whereas Shakespeare idealized passion. This shows the â€Å"full measure of the difference between Shakespeare’s vision of an ideal world and Huxley’s† (Grushow 43). The â€Å"ideal world† that Huxley portrays is convincing, nevertheless. Innovation and progress bring the promise of happiness in contrast to the tragedies many of Shakespeare’s heroes met. Huxley is arguing that society may be b etter off abandoning the arts, that â€Å"community, identity, stability,† and progress champion as the key aspects to an ideal world (Huxley 3). Even with the underlying darkness and horror that Brave New World displays, Huxley’s rhetoric succeeds in portraying a perfect world and vilifying the values Shakespeare represented. Huxley’s intentional comparisons to The Tempest help readers understand the disparity between passion and happiness and how both cannot coexist. By the end of the novel Huxley leaves his readers a dilemma with the things we value including art, emotion, and purpose. He argues that our morals and ideals counteract our nature as human beings. As Grushow states, â€Å"is his [John’s] code of morality any less obsolete†¦ in our new world than it is in the Brave New World?† John, who roughly represented modern society in contrast to the advanced World State, was the reader’s connection into Huxley’s world. Disgusted and horrified from the first page, reader sympathized easily with John and thought him honorable because he portrayed values we glorify including chastity, sacrifice to higher beings, and self-denial. However, by the end, readers recoiled from John whipping himself and denying himself even small pleasures like making a bow. Huxley describes â€Å"he shouted at every blow as though it were Lenina† (Huxley 252). John thinks of punishing Lenina, and, in the frenzy, sees her, becomes delusional from soma, and sleeps with her. It becomes apparent that passions and values that the reader supports cannot exist in the happy civilized world Huxley created. John, succumbing to sleeping with Lenina and killing himself in shame exemplifies the death of our ideals. Along with Shakespeare and our advancement in science, Huxley binds together the past and present to create an ideal future that disposes of the values of society. Huxley reincarnates Shakespeare’s characters from The Tempest and steers them into a new world, an ideal world that mirrors our own, as proven by Grushow. By constantly alluding to Shakespeare, Huxley connects a past filled with morality and values to his future of apathy and progress. Huxley presents to us a warning, that if our society progresses toward a brave new world as Huxley sees it, it will sacrifice our beliefs for the promise of happiness. This caution of the future lets readers stop and question as they successfully feel the effect of Huxley’s message. Works cited Grushow, Ira. â€Å"Brave New World and The Tempest.† College English, vol. 24, no. 1, 1962, pp. 42–45. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper Bros., 1946. Print.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Promoting Healthy Workplace Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Promoting Healthy Workplace - Assignment Example These policies and procedures point at the importance that is accorded to workplace safety by these facilities. 6. In the state of Florida, the laws relating to nurses state that those nurses impaired through sickness, alcoholism or drug should immediately be subjected to investigation to determine their ability to continue serving. In the event medical records or courts prove otherwise, such persons are stripped of their licenses as a security measure to workplace safety. 7. American Nursing Association notes that optimal nurse to patient ration is key to enhancing the value of care that patients receive. There is therefore a need to come up with innovative measures through collaborative efforts that would result to alternate solutions to acute nursing shortage. Also, while developing an optimal staffing model it is critical to take into account aspects such as patient care setting, patient acuity, and skills/education at a given setting (ANA., 2014). 8. The aspects discussed are Needlestick injuries prevention that involves safe placement of sharp object (i.e. needles) to prevent accidental piercing, safe patient handling which involves application of safety handling equipment such as safety gloves to protect nurses from contracting diseases, and finally environmental safety that involves keeping the environment at the work place safe and hygienic. 9. As part of Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, OHSN has come up with voluntary and secure electronic occupational safety and health surveillance system. This system assists in keeping record of recent injuries and apply it as a benchmark against OHSN standard system so as to devise better means of preventing or minimizing these accidents (CDC., 2014). The system has also been rolled out in Palmetto Hospital to serve the same

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The new age religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The new age religion - Essay Example People feel more comfortable and more willing to do something if there is scientific evidence to back up the results. Scientology, crossing the boundaries of religion and science, offers both religious experience and scientific results. Science and religion are two vastly different concepts. Science is based primarily on fact and thoughts and ideas that can be proven with concrete evidence. In science, something is not real unless there is definite, unchangeable evidence. Concepts start as theories, but then they are agreed upon once they have been proven without a doubt. On the other hand, religion is entirely based on faith. Regardless of whether or not something can be proven, people are liable to believe certain concepts when they trust their intuition. Though many people can argue that there is no proof for the existence of God, those that believe in Him claim that proof is not needed when faith is present. Globalization is the process by which cultures and societies become integrated though communication. Though globalization is more commonly connected with economics and politics, religion is not exempt from the process. Atheism, for example, has been spread throughout the world due to globalization. As a belief that there is no higher deity, atheism has become a welcome theory to people that do not want to mess with the concepts of gods and organized religions or otherwise do not believe in them. Atheism originated in France, but, due to globalization, has made its way to the belief systems of many Americans, as well as hundreds of thousands throughout the rest of the world. Secularism is the belief that the government, or the state, should be separate from religion. For example, the United States is a country that believes and practices the separation of state from religion. Church has no place in public and government locations, such as schools or courthouses. It is better that states are

Monday, August 26, 2019

Classic Airlines marketing Solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Classic Airlines marketing Solution - Essay Example As per the case study, the firm is losing its profitability and faring really poorly against its competitors. Customer retention rate is poor and the service is very inadequate. Root Cause Analysis Model The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) model is used in internal audits and other problem detection fields. It is â€Å"a research-based approach to identify the bottom-line reason of a problem with root cause representing the problem† (Mainardi, 2011: p180). It involves a structured investigation into a given problem to ascertain the true and real cause of a given problem (Anderson et al, 2009). This is done to ensure the continuous improvement in the quality and systems of a given organization. Root Cause Analysis is a practical transition from the apparent cause analysis to the examination and critique of the root cause of a given problem. This involves the identification of the actual causes in order to find the intermediate causes and from there, detect the root causes (Lorenzo an d Hanson, 2008). Issues in Classic Airline's Marketing Unit From the case study, some apparent causes and issues are identifiable in Classic Airline's marketing unit. In order to identify it and critique it better, it will be worthwhile to identify the apparent issues, the intermediate issues in order to identify the root cause. A. ... The deregulation of the markets and the integration of small carriers and other overseas investors has led to price wars and other competitive restructuring. Classic Airline's extremely low margins give a strong indication that the airline is really losing out in the competition presented by the other airline companies in the industry. Market Share Issues The failure to compete on the markets have led to a sharp fall in the market share that Classic Airline controls. There customer retention of the company has been weakened by the competition posed by other companies. This is because their current reward program has lost as much as 19% of its members, which has culminated in the reducing the flights of the company by as much as 21%. B. Intermediate Issues Areas of Interest: Marketing Alliances & Restructuring of Marketing It has become almost apparent that the firm needs to restructure its marketing units, the marketing structures and the marketing alliance programs. This is meant to correct the wrongs in the company and also retain some degree of stability. This has created two issues which also needs to be examined and resolved from the root-cause approach. Cost Structure Issues The quick and aggressive growth of the firm has been identified as a major cause of issues with the company. The reduction of the cost budget by a whopping 21.5% and the reduction of budgets in other departments is one of the apparent issues. It will therefore be worthwhile to identify the impact of this reduction and the best way of soothing its effects and correcting its issues. This include amongst other things, infighting amongst the executive managers, and the reduction in important units

Technology entrepreneur Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Technology entrepreneur - Case Study Example Here, files were stored on the internet and could be accessed from any computer that had Dropbox and in the network. According to Houston, Dropbox took the best elements of subversion, trac and rsyn and made them just work. Unlike other file storage companies, Dropbox’s model was framed in a way that it was simple to use. Despite the calls for additional features that could alter the initial company plan, Houston, and fellow co-founder, maintains the simple image as a selling point. In their model, they championed for two platforms namely; the free platform and premium platform. In the open platform, he planned to offer 1-gigabyte storage space for any user and a charge for the additional storage. It is contrary to the premium account where individuals and medium-sized enterprises would subscribe to pay. Dropbox offers extra free storage to members that refer others to the program (Kotler and Deans 336) The Y Combinator was an incubation program where startups applied for consideration for training and mentorship. At the end of the three-month program, each startup would pitch to potential investors and had a possibility of getting much funding. For Dropbox founders, all went well and were admitted to the program. While in the program, they held two hypotheses; Targeting individuals and businessmen was most viable and secondly; targeting companies was difficult due to bureaucracies. Houston also believed that making Dropbox simple was the right recipe for success. By June of 2010, he confirmed that using individuals and businessmen as an entry-to-market strategy worked. Medium sized organizations could not allow an employee to use Dropbox to store files unless certified by the IT department. However, this was a challenge in that, to be approved, testing was necessary. Additionally, the need for extra features to meet client needs was

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Intelligence and Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Intelligence and Policy - Essay Example Indirect manipulation occurs when the insecure analysts generate intelligence with the purpose of supporting certain decisions. Embedded assumptions occur when social norms and common strategic assumptions hamper constructive analysis. The intelligence subverts policy is another type where the intelligence analysis dents policy decisions. For instance, the policy makers ignore intelligence due to their fear of subversion (George et al, 2008 pp 74-89). Finally is the intelligence parochialism whereby the analysts intentionally tailor findings for professional or personal gains. This leads to either subversion or intelligence to please which depends on the analysts personal goals. William Casey and Richard Helms both served as DCI but had different ideologies. Both had different relations between policy and intelligence that they embodied. Therefore, their contrast led to the formulation of the Casey approach and the Helms approach (George et al, 2008 pp 100-102). Richard Helms had a sharp separation of his intelligence officers from policy. He believed his role was only intelligence such that when he briefed in senior policy meetings he left as soon as he was done with his briefing. The Casey approach on the other hand actively sought the status of the cabinet and he further behaved like a cabinet minister. His approach was largely aimed at mixing policy advocacy and intelligence

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Strategic Managment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategic Managment - Assignment Example It is also necessary to establish strong groundwork that has the capability to support successful implementation of the growth strategies. This paper describes the basic growth strategies and critically analyses how they are implemented by Subway as it continues to grow. The paper examines the strategic capability of Subway and identifies its competitive advantage over its competitors. It also discusses which of these strategic capabilities contribute to Subway’s competitive advantage. Subways Strategic Growth According to Aaker et al. (2006), market segmentation is one of the significant growth strategies that a small business can effectively accomplish. It involves identifying a sub-set of the whole market and focusing all the sales efforts on it. It is a way of being specific with regards to whom to sell the products to. Successful businesses usually slice out a particular section of the market and maximize their efforts towards owning it. With such focus, it is possible to understand the changing customer desires and engage in customer focused production. Even though the strategy may eliminate part of the prospective customers, it helps to concentrate on the core customers thereby developing a vibrant growth path. The entrepreneur makes business choices through segmentation with regards to who to serve, who to evade as well as which segment to focus on to increase profitability. According to Hoyer & MacInnis (2006), segmentation is a customer focused growth strategy that generates great impact value schemes for new market sub-segments. The foundation of this strategy is to understand customers in a different point of view. It requires managers and product experts gaining new perceptions with regards to customer desires and preferences, which is a significant step in identifying the inadequately served consumer groups as well as unseen growth opportunities. The market sub-segments can be based on recently identified customer needs, purchasing patterns as well as the profit margin of the sub-segments. Innovations are focused on the most promising sub-segments where an organization intends to create high impact value offers. The new innovations are tested within the sub-segments, which allows upgrading business on the basis of the results of the tests (Hoyer & MacInnis, 2006). According to Crawford & Benedetto (2008), small businesses can focus on low end consumer sub-segments. The cost to the consumer can be minimized through eliminating non-essential characteristics on the products such as expensive value addition that does not affect the product’s utility. Many customers in these sub-segments are likely to welcome the new changes since they lower the cost and hence increase affordability. The segmentation growth strategy for sub-way began with the decision to operate in smaller and more specialist outlets-such as schools and factories-because of its smaller scale business formula. Market segmentation was also applied in Subway through the assessment of customer needs whereby it was established that an inc reasing market share came to Subway because it offered a low-fat alternative to burgers and French fries. This knowledge was used in 1998 to develop a marketing campaign that focused on a line of seven low-fat sandwiches that significantly boosted sales. Further, the customer sub-segment that required full calorie meal was satisfied through the development of a range of big-eater sandwiches-for example, steak and cheese, which also helped to increase sales significantly. According to Aaker et al. (2006), product

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business Biography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Biography - Essay Example At the tender age of 14, he focused and concentrated his efforts towards the development and growth of his first entrepreneurship venture, which was a web design company in the name of Flyte Design. The SME venture by this young first time entrepreneur went forward to win some of the reputed design awards of Canada. Besides Flyte Design, Tom Szaky also diverted his focus towards the establishment of three dot com companies, which ranged from an online home improvement site to an online fund raising school as well as online grade tracking software. In the year 2001, the serial entrepreneur moved to USA for the purpose of acquiring a degree from the reputed Princeton University. However, in 2002, he shifted his focus from academia to the development of TerraCycle Inc. It can be increasingly said that by the process of early venturing into social entrepreneurship through the formation of TerraCycle in the year 2002, he made it evident that he is an agent of change, who is focused on exp loiting opportunities that keeps on emerging in the social environment from time to time. However, besides being an entrepreneur, he was active member when it comes to community service. He took initiatives in the participation and organizing of various social activities, while increasingly raising and generating values for the stakeholders (CNBC, 2007). About the Business The main objective of TerraCycle is to focus on waste elimination through the process of application of evolutionary economics. Guided by this particular objective, the company focused on national level recycling chain for waste products that were difficult to reuse and recycle. The company focused on setting up a new principle of generating products of innovative nature as well as of high value from already disposed and utilized products by using organic means. The company recycles the waste for the purpose of product creation which focuses on fulfilling the needs of the clients and consumers, while increasingly enabling them to tackle their demand and subsequent elimination of relative and existing pain points (TerraCycle, n.d). The competitive advantage for this business was the fact that the business was started as an innovative venture and in an almost virgin market, in regards to its product portfolio, that Is being offered to the consumers. Hence it can be said that the business had the first movers’ advantage. As of today’s date, the company is focused on the process of value creation through the process of developing a variety of recycled product. The product variety comprises of a wide range of categories ranging from bags, garden accessories and fertilizers, gift accessories, home accessories, office accessories, school accessories. The product category also comprises of items of daily uses likes toys, pet bottles and even winter based essential products (TerraCycle, n.d ). On an overall note, TerraCycle produces over 250 different kinds of products, from a wide rang e of waste streams (Forbes, 2011). Industry Overview The United States, due to its focus on high level of consumption by the government as well as the consumers has become the largest market with the urgent need for waste management services. The waste management industry in the United States is a highly fragmented industry. The sector has grown tremendously over the last few years, till the year 2008. The slowdown all over the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Lost Girl Essay Example for Free

The Lost Girl Essay Declamation by dhang I am a girl, young in heart and in mind†¦ I am carefree, I enjoy doing nothing but play,play and play†¦ I seldom go to school but hmp! nobody cares! Instead,you will see me roaming around standing at the nearby canto, or hanging around at the sari-sari store standing beside the jukebox stand†¦ One day I asked I asked my mother to teach me how to behave, to live, and appreciate all the beautiful things in life. Would you like to know what she told me? She said†¦ Can’t you see, I have to hurry up for my majong session! So I turned to my father to console me. But what a wonderful word he did tell me†¦ Child, I have to finish my overtime work†¦Here’s 500 pesos, go and ask your teacher about that question†¦ Sadly,I attended my class†¦ But I heard nothing but the echoing voice of my teacher,torturing me with her words†¦ Hey yo lazy girl! Why waste your time studying those things? When up to now you can’t even multiply seven by nine? Go home and don’t bother me!!! I am lost†¦confused†¦I don’t know what to do with myself†¦ Where are my parents to guide me? My teachers to give me inspirations? My friends, when I play? I’m lazy and irresponsible. When I try to study, I get punished for not being able to answer. Where now†¦I’m confused†¦ Somebody, please help me†¦ You say that the world is beautiful, why is it treating me this way? Hear me please! Help me please! Help me†¦ I am lost†¦

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Differences in Views About Human Nature Essay Example for Free

The Differences in Views About Human Nature Essay He believes that â€Å"Individual effort was needed to cultivate oneself, but one’s natural tendencies were good to begin with. In this way, Mencius has integrated elements of Taoism into his theory. Basically, people are born well with good intentions, but they must work to maintain their good nature. Mencius says, â€Å"Every person has a heart-mind which feels for others† . He applies this to a famous example – if one witnessed a child falling into a well, it is not possible to not feel anything. Every person has the heart-mind that would be shocked and sympathetic, which may become the motivation to act and save the child. It would not be for the sake on being on good terms with the child’s parents, or be praised by the neighbors . However, if one listens to their senses of desire, â€Å"I don’t want to be involved† or â€Å"If I try to save the child, I might injure myself in the process†, then they would stop themselves from helping. It is important to point out that Mencius did not mention anything about how ones responding â€Å"act†, and that it is having the â€Å"feeling† that counts. On the other hand, Xunzi believed that human nature is bad. Nobody is born with principles accustomed in their nature. For that reason, people must be educated and cultivated in ethics to become good. Human nature is evil, and goodness is caused by intentional activity. â€Å"A person is born with feelings of envy and hate. If he gives way to them, they will lead him to violence and crime, and any sense of loyalty and good faith will be abandoned. † However, he also believed that, although human nature is bad, people still have the capacity to becoming good. For example, a great leader like Martin Luther King was born no differently from Adolf Hitler. They both inherited the same nature at birth. Applying Xunzi’s theory, the differences would be that one practiced benevolence and righteousness, as well as followed the proper rules and standards, and one (Hitler) obviously did not. This also suggests that these elements are principles that have to be known first before being put into practice. It is about the environment that one is brought up with that influences the way one acts. If you do not know a man, look at his friends; if you do not know a ruler, look at his attendants. Environment is the important thing! Environment is the important thing! As for the basis for ruling a country, I would personally choose Mencius’s assertion of human nature is good. For example, if the leader of America thought about Iraq in Xunzi’s perspective, that human nature is bad, they would be on guard and suspicious of the motives of the Iraqi people. This leads to the feeling of unease and both sides are tensed. The inability to trust will result to both countries expecting the worst, and therefore making the situation more aggravated and war will be more likely to break out. While, by thinking in Mencius’s perspective, America would only assume the good in Iraqi people, and that there can be a solution made through a mutual understanding through trust, decency and self-actualization. No more nuclear weapons will be produced and less conflicts will happen, which leads to less innocent people dying. It is better to assume that people are born good, so it is easier to feel security and trust each other. 100% Mencius for everyone is the perfect recipe to WORLD PEACE. That’s right.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Twitter Strategic Analysis

Twitter Strategic Analysis Twitter Inc Introduction about Company: Twitter is one of the foremost social networking service which is engage in facilitating it’s millions of users to send and receive short messages of about 140 characters called ‘’tweets’’. Users which are registered are entitled to reading and posting of tweets, however users which are unregistered are only able to read the tweets. Users can have the twitter access either through the website interface, mobile app or SMS. The Head quarter of Twitter Inc. lies in San Francisco and holds about more than 25 registered offices worldwide. Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, Noah Glass and Evan Williams are the key persons which perform the creation of Twitter in March 2006 and it’s launching by July 2006. Soon after the launch, global popularity and recognition was achieved by this newly introduced service at a high pace. In the year 2012, above 100 million users posted about 340 million tweets per day. About 1.6 billion queries per day have also been handled by this service. For the year 2013, Twitter was declared one of the most visited websites. Also was pronounced to be ‘’the SMS of the Internet’’. Up to the latest period of December 2014, more than 500 million users have been listed in the Twitter’s user directory, within which about 284 million are active. Introduction about Industry: 300 words About 10 years ago the Industry of Social media was introduce to the world, when chat messengers launch the service of communication and content sharing for the public covered on the internet with each other. The largest US-based social media industry is mainly dominated by Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Other i.e. Non-US based performers who have a giant user directory include China-based SINA Corp. (SINA) and TENCENT HOLDINGS ADR (TCEHY) and Russian based social networking site called Vkontakte. Almost all the social networking industry players are still very fresh; however, a few of stylized facts pertaining to these industry players appear to have surfaced in the few preceding years. Firstly, the Social networking companies seems to compete with each other to display the main contents in such a manner that will generate user interest at a high level, and consequently, result in increased user engagement. This is due to the fact that user engagement is ultimately the biggest effective source of revenue generation. Based on relevance and engagement, user is likely to stay active on Social network platforms. Maybe this could be the reason of why Friendster and Myspace were declared to be well-liked platforms a decade ago, which afterward had to hand over their popular industry standings to the giants of modern Social giants like Twitter and Facebook. Currently, the industry of social media is engaged in dealing in business combinations i.e. mergers and acquisitions. One the biggest acquisition in the present period is that of WhatsApp. This messaging app was acquired by Facebook for a price of $19 Billion in February 2014. The players of Social media industry internationally are also been engaged in the acquisition, right, left and center: Rakuten, a Japanese interned giant, acquired Viber in 2014 for $900 million. Alibaba acquired 18% shares in a china social network Weibo and about 205% share in Tango in 2014. Competitive assets and competitive advantage of the company: 650 words Competitive advantage is of very much critically significant for each and every business as it’s what differentiates a business from your competitors. Twitter launched their business with a distinguishing strategy that compared with social network rivals i.e. Facebook, Google plus and Myspace etc. The quality of flexibility was implemented through a distinguish communication method. Twitter is the leading active mode of social networking in which users can communicate with each other without knowing themselves (Tagtmeier 2009). Actually, Twitters allows the transmission of information to users to a lot of friends as well as strangers. Whereas on the other hand provides users friends, Twitter users can be friends with each other or be a follower simply. Additionally Twitter has started effective fee for users as well as advertisers by way of ‘’promoted tweets’’ in the year 2010. This implemented strategy was able to attract companies including virgin American, Starbucks, Bravo and Best Buy etc. to join in Twitter website (Mark & Parker 2011). In order to be in touch with what’s going on in associated customer’s world, Twitter can be considered as excellent way: What are customer promoting’s The support Causing Hosting events by customers Conferences the customers are attending Awards the customers are receiving Expansion and/or Hiring plans There exist mainly two keys to develop successful strategic partnerships firstly including giving ad secondly top of mind. Formulating a Twitter List of all the associated strategic partners can assist you in both these aspects. It will also enable you a simple way to be connected between face-to-face meetings and phone calls. One of the prevalent topics named â€Å"Inbound marketing†; we would all appreciate to have a number of customers hammering our door. A lot of businesses are unable to meet their targeted goals with an inbound=d approach only. This could be considered correct in the initial phase of forming an inbound system. Even if a business holds a mature inbound system of marketing in position, top sales people even now like to hunt. They have in mind their â€Å"Dream 10†³ or â€Å"Top 100†³ aspects which they follow pro-actively. A large number of industry experts, those who use to write books and speak at conferences, are actively available on twitter. They frequently share their current thinking’s, trends, research they are viewing etc. In real time, be ‘’in the know’’, by way of forming and monitoring a list of all of these experts. Moreover, as a unique feature of twitter- â€Å"real time sharing†, the leading advantage which set competitively Twitter distant from its major competitors concerned a large number of peoples to join. In real time manner, a user is able to share anything. Others have an option to follow this particular user if they like him and also have a number of choices to interrelate with the said user for example ‘’retweet’’ and ‘’reply’’ .On the other hand, Facebook, the other social networking giant, quickly formed a new feature similar to Twitter that display friends real-time activities, which caused a major threat to Twitter. Therefore, for the purpose of grabbing a large share of market, Twitter should ensure innovation and creation of new features which are challenging for other networking sites to copy. Analyzing the market: For the last several years, there has been observed significant growth in the market popular social networking platforms like twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn etc., Talking about the market share of these giants of social networking, the stats are shown below which reveal that popularity and share in market for each of the giant of social networking. SWOT Analysis: Strengths Easy set up Largepenetration or market reach Very useful for setting up an engagement strategy Active community members (willing to be the representatives of the institute) Build a converse and conversation with others Quick exchange of information Direct audience contact ( like face-to-face) Allows you connect and follow with people/groups that seem interesting to you Cost-effective in the ways most of the networks are free. Their demand is just your time Human factor: Company’s â€Å"brand† becomes more HUMAN Media exposure In terms of micro-messaging, Twitter is in a strong position in the market. Only real competitor here is Facebook Weaknesses Existence of a lot of â€Å"Why Bother† from majority people (i.e. Facebook users) Needs to have more horsepower. It is down often Difficult to instruct or persuade group members/ management teamon the principles of social media Tweets are Unequal distributed. 90% of the tweets usually come from thetop 10% of the users. Holds low retention rate of about 40% only Lack of resources or tools to follow and monitor the campaign results of social media There is limitation of API calls. Hits App growth What aboutinformation leakage, liability, security, and management? Generally Blocked at most of work sites: management considers it drop in productivity; hits bottom line Opportunity Creating/joining active presence on sites where there is no current existence of the company Excellent opportunity for organizations and individuals to join and exchange information News, events and Promotions that can be proposed by way of social media networks Partnerships with organizations, other groups, schools, Departments of government, etc. Recruitment of interested new students ,members and public support Proposes you to form short and long term relationships with prospects Improves the ‘brand’ and formulates the process of recruitment personal It can acquire dominance in search engines Branding opportunities, Immediate delivery and increased marketing opportunities Allow Tweets to become â€Å"crawled by Spiders† Threats Macro factors i.e. economy, will this influence your base of user? Competitor is following the same audience or same space with similar campaign Is the current campaign feasible, can it continue? What complications stand in the track of success and failure? We’ve all be informed of a few awkward stories about over-sharing online, and a few examples of high-profile might make people to rethink about their habits Got too much popularity/publicity in a very short time. May get burned out It is dangerously getting porn spammy/spammy No existence of solid revenue model (advertisements in future?) Paid twitter streams may hit the brand image The table above demonstrates the percentage of visits by giants of the Social Media Networking Industry. Future Trends: 300 words 1) Shifting from tweeting to searching As more sign ups, the ratio of signal-to-noise is drops. Progressively the only available way of finding information would be the Twitter search tool 2) Twitter wills danger Google There exist many pretenders to the Google search sovereignty But Twitter’s offering is much more: Near real-time results Follow search topic Tweets Human sorted Twitter ‘trending’ topics 3) Three types of users will surface Chats will continue to about what eat in lunch (‘bla bla bla’) Strainers will use Twitter to examine the words on the ‘street’ and news. Broadcasters will continue Tweets pumping out, perhaps losing followers beside the way. 4) Automated tools will be used to increase Most tweets are links to posts and interesting articles Automated tools can now perform this autonomously This will ultimately erode the percentage of real interaction with followers Some well-known users of Twitter are even using ‘Ghost’ Tweeters 5) Twitter to be news powerhouse Users reported from plane crashes, natural disasters and terror attacks This ‘citizen journalism’ has transform Twitter’s value as a source of news extremely 6) Twitter will fracture Twitter has many paths having the potential for future development This may result into split out present functionality into paths services For example: News , Search, Micro-blogging Recommendations: 200 words after a detailed analysis of the Twitter Inc. it can be recommended that more customer specific strategies should be implemented and more customer facilitating apps and contents should be made available to users in order to maintain and flourish the existing market share at an increasing pace. Moreover, controls and strong market watch should be made in order to have a competitive over the other giants of Social Marketing networks for purpose of ensuring survival and growth. Conclusion: 200 words After analyzing the company, its market share, competitive advantages, SWOT analysis and the future trend of Twitter it can be concluded that Twitter has the ability to grab the title of world’s largest social networking site provided the company maintains and booms its current standing the market. Appendixes: 5 years Financial Ratios Calculations Financial previsions for the next 3 years based on company’s objectives: Compute the g factor and do some simulations and make recommendations

Monday, August 19, 2019

Interview with a Midwife Essay -- Interview Essays

â€Å"All over the world there exists in every society a small group of women who feel themselves strongly attracted to give care to other women during pregnancy and childbirth. Failure to make use of this group of highly motivated people is regrettable and a sin against the principle of subsidiarity.† Dr. Kloosterman, OB/GYN from Holland Chances are that terms such as â€Å"midwife† and â€Å"home birth† conjure up for you old-fashioned images of childbirth. These words may bring to mind scenes from old movies, but you’re not likely to associate them with the modern image of childbirth. Do you know anyone who has had a midwife-assisted birth or a home birth? Would you consider one? The version of childbirth that we’re used to is propagated by television and movies. A woman, huge with child, is rushed to the hospital when her water breaks. She is ushered into a delivery room and her husband hovers helplessly as nurses hook her up to IVs and monitors. The woman writhes in pain and demands relief from the painful contractions. Narcotic drugs are administered through her IV to dull the pain, or an epidural is inserted into the woman’s spine so that she cannot feel anything below her waist. When the baby is ready to be born, the doctor arrives dressed in surgical garb. The husband, nurses and doctor become a cheerleading squad, urging the woman to, â€Å"Push!† Moments later, a pink, screaming newborn is lifted up for the world to see. Variations on this theme include the cesarean section, where the woman is wheeled to the operating room where her doctors remove the baby through an incision in her abdomen. For one woman, this vision of childbirth is not the norm. Ana Rhodes is a midwife, and she is one of the only birth attendants available to... ...ucky has very limited choices. I remember something that Ana said during our interview: â€Å"My biggest influences are my repeat moms. They encourage me and love me as a good friend, and I know they will support me and have my back no matter what.† It strikes me that the relationship Ana develops with her clients is genuine and long-lasting. From the first meeting to the day your baby is born, Ana is with you every step of your pregnancy, which lies in stark contrast to the revolving door of doctors, nurse practitioners and residents you might encounter during a medically managed pregnancy and childbirth. The service that Ana provides to this community is selfless and driven by a passion for helping women. My hope is that midwifery will be recognized in Kentucky as the untapped resource that it is, and that hidden treasures such as Ana will have their chance to shine. Interview with a Midwife Essay -- Interview Essays â€Å"All over the world there exists in every society a small group of women who feel themselves strongly attracted to give care to other women during pregnancy and childbirth. Failure to make use of this group of highly motivated people is regrettable and a sin against the principle of subsidiarity.† Dr. Kloosterman, OB/GYN from Holland Chances are that terms such as â€Å"midwife† and â€Å"home birth† conjure up for you old-fashioned images of childbirth. These words may bring to mind scenes from old movies, but you’re not likely to associate them with the modern image of childbirth. Do you know anyone who has had a midwife-assisted birth or a home birth? Would you consider one? The version of childbirth that we’re used to is propagated by television and movies. A woman, huge with child, is rushed to the hospital when her water breaks. She is ushered into a delivery room and her husband hovers helplessly as nurses hook her up to IVs and monitors. The woman writhes in pain and demands relief from the painful contractions. Narcotic drugs are administered through her IV to dull the pain, or an epidural is inserted into the woman’s spine so that she cannot feel anything below her waist. When the baby is ready to be born, the doctor arrives dressed in surgical garb. The husband, nurses and doctor become a cheerleading squad, urging the woman to, â€Å"Push!† Moments later, a pink, screaming newborn is lifted up for the world to see. Variations on this theme include the cesarean section, where the woman is wheeled to the operating room where her doctors remove the baby through an incision in her abdomen. For one woman, this vision of childbirth is not the norm. Ana Rhodes is a midwife, and she is one of the only birth attendants available to... ...ucky has very limited choices. I remember something that Ana said during our interview: â€Å"My biggest influences are my repeat moms. They encourage me and love me as a good friend, and I know they will support me and have my back no matter what.† It strikes me that the relationship Ana develops with her clients is genuine and long-lasting. From the first meeting to the day your baby is born, Ana is with you every step of your pregnancy, which lies in stark contrast to the revolving door of doctors, nurse practitioners and residents you might encounter during a medically managed pregnancy and childbirth. The service that Ana provides to this community is selfless and driven by a passion for helping women. My hope is that midwifery will be recognized in Kentucky as the untapped resource that it is, and that hidden treasures such as Ana will have their chance to shine.

Themes in Othello :: essays research papers

Themes in Shakespeare’s Othello Throughout Shakespeare’s play, Othello, there are many themes interwoven to describe the author’s perspective of the true nature of a man’s soul. Three themes critical to the play are doubt versus trust, monstrous imagery and the fallible love of man. One central theme of the play is the major contrast of doubt versus trust. For whatever reason, Othello's trust of Desdemona is too weak to resist Iago's accusations. As happens in many of Shakespeare’s works, miscommunication and mistrust lead to "prepost'rous conclusions" (1. 3. 323). Othello's heart tells him that Desdemona loves him; however the critical Iago can dismantle Othello’s trust in his wife by planting seeds doubt through what appears to be rational proof. Having built Othello’s curiosity about Cassio’s supposed thoughts; Iago manipulates Othello into seeing a situation between Desdemona and Cassio that does not exist. Because Othello suspects that Iago is aware of more details than he is telling, he begins questioning Iago. "Why of thy thought?"(3. 3. 108), "What dost thou think?" (3. 3. 116). The superficially answered questions cause Othello to make demands for further clarification: "If thou dost love me, show me thy thought" (3. 3. 127-28), "give thy worst of thoughts the worst of words" (3. 3. 145-46), then "By heaven, I'll know thy thoughts!" (3. 3. 175). Due to Othello’s equating of Iago’s thoughts with factual knowledge, he is eager to mistrust Cassio and does not fully scrutinize the evidence. It is because he trusts Iago that he trusts the false â€Å"facts† and doubts the virtue of his wife, Desdemona. In addition to inferring Desdemona’s unfaithfulness to Othello, Iago alludes to Desdemona's duplicitous deception of her father, Brabantio -- she was able to "seel her father's eyes up close as oak"-when he reminds Othello that "She did deceive her father, marrying you" (3. 3. 224, 220). As Othello makes his final desperate attempt at trust by saying, "I do not think but Desdemona's honest," Iago again exploits the line between thinking (or having trust) that Othello’s wife is faithful and knowing (through evidence) whether it is actually true (3. 3. 241). Othello fails to see that honor cannot be subject to empirical proof. Shakespeare's exploration of the concept of jealousy leads to the theme of the human mind’s predisposition to favor the "monstrous." Monsters of the human psyche are self-generating, even without the prodding of an evil manipulator such as Iago.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Racist Mind :: essays research papers

The Racist Mind In looking at the idea of being racist we must look at why people are like that. I would hope that most people would not be racist, but that would be in a perfect world and we don’t live there. Conflict theorists would say people are attracted to the message of hate because the way the power elite keeps us at odds. They keep us believing that the other race is trying to take what little there is left. If the power elite can keep us at one another’s throats then we won’t rise up and fight against the power elite. We won’t realize that we really don’t have anything. There are examples of this all over. We take peoples jobs away and give them to minorities or another minority. This produces hatred toward that minority. If we do this then they won’t take to changing their life around them The same is within education and making sure that some people are given a right to enter a college not based on scores, but on color of skin. This gives us hate. We think some group is trying to take our stuff. The Ku Klux Klan believes that blacks are taking all their jobs or because they are there they are running the companies out of town. The power elite enforces this rhetoric and only causes the people to continue the cycle of hate. The leaders and followers of the Ku Klux Klan and neo-nazi groups believe that they are the only superior people and everyone is taking what is rightfully theirs. They are taking their stuff. Their jobs, their homes, their land. â€Å"They believe life is war. The world is made of distinct racial groups and life is about the war between those groups.† They only believe what they want to believe. These people live in their own world and you can never talk them out of it. Mr. Ezekiel stated this â€Å"[There is a] ready pool of whites who will respond to the racist signal†¦.This population is always hungry for activity -or for the talk of activity- that promises dignity and meaning to lives that are working poorly in a highly competitive world.† This is so true. Most of these people that belong to these groups are poor, down and out. They feel now like they have power. If they have power ten they can change the world.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

What if everyone was smart?

What if the world we lived in was perfect? As long as I live doubt the world we live would get perfect. Things that would make up is if everyone was wealthy, they had perfect knowledge, and if they have the same style. If everyone was wealthy the following would happen. Good things about being everyone being wealthy would be know one would be homeless and could live comfortably and not have to worry about bills or gas money. Everyone can afford anything they want.It would be easy for everyone to purport there families no matter how large. The bad things about everyone being wealthy would be criminals could spend money on things that would mess up the world. There would be too much trash for the earth to even contain. Also there would be know point to people even working since everyone's rich. If everyone were rich it would be both good and bad for the world. There would basically be no point of there even being school. If everyone was smart this would happen.The good things are roden ts made by companies would have no error to it and would always work correctly. Another good thing would be. Know one would be confused about anything so there would be know need to look things up at the library or on the web. Also having perfect knowledge would help anyone in life or death situations. The bad things about everyone being smart would be this. Criminal would be as smart as police officers. Knowing everyone would make everything seem pointless. There would be no point in learning things. There are many dumb people in the world we live in now.But if the everyone was smart the would be a much better place to live in. Have you ever said to yourself what if everyone had the same style? If they did know would make fun of the way you dress. Everyone would compliment you on what you wear. You would also be able to fit in with your friends easily. The bad things about this people will eventually get tired of seeing people wear the same thing. You will continue to have a conver sation about the same topic over and over again. Every,Inhere you everyone around you would act and dress similar which can get weird fast.A perfect world have people with same style. However it would be weird seeing someone dress and act like you. A perfect world would be one with everyone being wealthy, smart, and having the same style. Imagine waking up in a 15 bedroom mansion and enough money to feed 15 countries. How bout being able to know everything thing there is to know about life. Last but not least what if know one made fun of you because everyone has the same style. Doesn't living in a perfect world sound great. The problem is know one would know how it is to live in one.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Should Companies Have the Right to Monitor Employees’ E-Mails and Phone Conversations?

Should Companies Have The Right To Monitor Employees’ E-mails And Phone Conversations? Employees watch out when using communication, whether e-mail or phone, at work, you never know who may be listening. Should companies have the right to monitor employees’ e-mails and phone conversation? Most studies believe that they, employers, do have the right to monitor the e-mail and phone conversations of their employees, as long as they are notified of the fact. There is a tremendous amount of literature on this issue but it all seems to lean towards the right of the employers. The most notable law enacted law that allows employee monitoring was in 1986. It was the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act (it. ojp. gov). Although the actual service providers are not allowed to monitor communications it does allow employees to monitor communications. Most cases brought to court by employees have a tendency to be decided with the employer, reiterating the employer’s right to monitor communications. There was a federal bill in 1993 to 1995 that would have made it illegal for employers to monitor employee communication without first notifying them (privacyrights. rg). But, it failed; it didn’t even have enough weight to come up for a vote. In the growing tide of worker sexual harassment cases via e-mail, and inappropriate subject matter being exchanged via e-mail, between employees, employers have more issues than ever that they need to protect themselves from litigation for. In a case involving the e-mail monitoring of an employee (Smith vs. Pi llsbury Co. ), the employee was actually dismissed, due to the fact that he sent an e-mail to another worker stating that â€Å"kill the backstabbing bastards† referring to members of sales (Perritt). E-mail and Internet monitoring of employees is stated to be increasing more every year. At the time that the law allowing it was enacted, 1986, approximately thirty-six percent of employees were monitoring e-mail and Internet of employees. It is estimated now that more than half of all employers monitor their employees e-mail and Internet communication. In essence, these electronic pieces of equipment belong to the employers and the employees are only using them for the express purpose of the work being done. Misuse of e-mails or even web browsing, reflects poorly upon the company and its productivity and leaves the company open to litigation. Take into consideration the numerous charges in the news of police that have been dismissed for pornography found upon their computers. This is a very graphic example of misuse of electronic equipment. Not to mention the potential for this same inappropriate material being sent to other employees via e-mail. It is believed that more than two-thirds of employers in 2007 were monitoring e-mails and web browsing. That number was predicted to increase every year and it is believed that more than half of all employers do so now, or have software that does it for them. Imagine for instance the employee that spends hours on the phone chatting with buddies instead of doing the required work. This translates to profit lost through this inappropriate time spent on the phone. It is not necessarily lawful for the employer to monitor personal phone calls (Watkins vs. L. M. Berry & Co), but they are allowed to, even though there are restrictions upon employers monitoring personal phone calls (Manning, Rita C). In the issue of employers monitoring employee phone calls—that are not customer calls—federal law allows for employers to do this, unannounced, with the exception of personal phone calls. But in the area of personal calls they do have options that make it lawful, especially if they warn against personal calls beforehand. Although, when they are monitoring calls of employees with clients they are required to disclose that they are to the clients, they must state that they are possibly monitoring this phone call. Some would argue that the monitoring of e-mail sent from work, especially personal e-mails, is inappropriate. The same people would argue against monitoring of web browsing of employees. They believe that just because someone becomes your employee doesn’t mean they give up all their privacy rights. In one instance, it was argued that if an employee wrote a note to a friend with a work pencil and paper would this make it applicable to monitoring by the employer, as it was written with their pencil and paper. This is what employers are arguing when they state that they an employee is using their electronics, so therefore monitoring is applicable. Still others would argue that privacy in the workplace is a moral matter (Michael J. Meyer, SCU Professor). â€Å"they are entitled to respect, which requires attention to their privacy. If a boss were to monitor every conversation or move, most of us would think of such an environment as more like a prison then a humane workplace. † But in the case of phone calls or e-mails some would believe that (William Parent, â€Å"Privacy and Morality and the Law†) here should be put in place criteria for determining which invasion of privacy is justifiable. William Parent proposes that the employer should apply six questions to review whether their act of monitoring is allowable or not and that this would offer guidance. But most would agree that while it is legal for employers to monitor, it does not make it right. Realistically, most worke rs are at work sometimes more than forty hours per week. So if they take the time to make a personal phone call during that huge length of time, should they really expose themselves to possible dismissal? Then there are those employers that are unafraid to state that they are against losing their employee trust by means of monitoring. Scott Paddock, manager of PC Brokers stated, â€Å"†¦if I spent time monitoring their web usage, I would be just as guilty of wasting time as my behavior implies they are. † (Everyday Surveillance: Vigilance and Visibility in Postmodern Life). Numerous reports of trust are noted in reports that have debated the issue of employer’s rights to monitor phone conversations. Rita C. Manning of Journal of Business Ethics was quoted as saying, â€Å"What is missing in these communities is trust†. But trust notwithstanding, due to the recent and well publicized news on inappropriate communication practices in the workplace through viewing of pornography, sending pornography via e-mail, and receipt of pornography, monitoring is showing itself to be a needed commodity for employers. Should employees have the right to monitor employees’ phone and e-mail? Yes, they should, unfortunately. The possibility of misuse—evident from recent news reports—gives them the right to protect themselves from any possible future litigation. There are valid arguments for and against the workplace monitoring of employee e-mails and phone calls. Those that are for it, tend to feel that because workers are on company time and using company property, they should be subject to monitoring while using these resources. Those that don’t agree with this view believe that a person’s right to privacy does not end at the workplace. They believe that wherever a person is, they have the right to privacy.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

An Analysis of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 Essay

As a response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the United States government established a separate agency within the federal system to prevent future terrorist activities. Hence, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created, along with the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (HSA). The HSA identified and explained the principle, jurisdiction and duties of the Department of Homeland Security. The HSA also reinforced sentences for transgressing national security laws and expanded federal control of local law enforcement agencies. However, critics argued that the HSA instead promoted American global dominance at the expense of civil liberties. For instance, Title II pushed for the establishment of a Directorate of Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection, tasked with the creation and maintenance of a database containing public and private information on virtually any individual in the United States. Telephone records, banking transactions, school records, employment history – these can be gathered to piece together a profile that can be used against innocent people suspected as terrorists. In the HAS’ Title V: Emergency Preparedness and Response, there is no specific mandate of federal control over the â€Å"local first responders† – the police, the firemen and the emergency personnel. The provision simply called for â€Å"federal supervision, funding and cooperation. † (Van Bergen, 2002) Although centralization is perfect for emergency preparedness on a sufficiently large scale, it could also lead to the loss of local control and to potential federal militarization. (Van Bergen, 2002) According to the United States Northern Command (USNC), â€Å"Prohibiting direct military involvement in law enforcement is in keeping with long-standing U. S. law and policy limiting the military’s role in domestic affairs. † (Van Bergen, 2002) In addition, the Posse Comitatus Act (18 USC 1385) â€Å"generally prohibits U. S. military personnel from interdicting vehicles, vessels and aircraft; conducting surveillance, searches, pursuit and seizures; or making arrests on behalf of civilian law enforcement authorities. † (Van Bergen, 2002) The four statutory exceptions to this prohibition are the following: counter-drug assistance (10 USC 371-81); Insurrection Act (10 USC 331-34); crimes using nuclear materials (18 USC 831); and chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction (10 USC 382). (Van Bergen, 2002) One of the most serious consequences of the HAS is the Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002 (CIIA). The CIIA offered corporations confidentiality and immunity from civil liability with respect to the â€Å"critical infrastructure information† (CII) that they submitted â€Å"voluntarily† to the DHS. CII may include virtually any information about physical or cyber infrastructure that can be useful to terrorists or other parties that intend to cause damage to the facility. (Steinzor, 2003) No one may use it in any civil action arising under federal or state law without obtaining the written consent of the company. Government officials who will violate the CIIA will face up to a year in prison. The CIIA is very dangerous, as it would immunize corporations and their employees from malfeasance in their operations, from racial discrimination to embezzlement, violations of environmental regulations and negligence that will harm the public physically and or financially. Hence, the CIIA might also end up granting immunity to enterprises that were guilty of negligence in the face of terrorist attacks, allowing them to escape accountability for putting other people’s lives in danger. Terrorist groups such as the Al Qaeda might use the CIIA to their advantage, because their operatives assume quiet and unobtrusive Western lifestyles and identities to avoid capture and to successfully carry out missions. But with the misleading nature of the HSA, the question ordinary Americans should be asking is: Who should they be afraid of, the terrorists or their own government? References Van Bergen, Jennifer. (2002, December 2-4). Homeland Security Act: The Rise of the American Police State. Retrieved January 2, 2008 from http://www. ratical. org/ratville/CAH/HSA_RoAPS. html. Steinzor, Rena. (2003, March 12). ‘Democracy Dies Behind Closed Doors:’ The Homeland Security Act and Corporate Accountability. PDF File. Retrieved January 2, 2008 from http://www. progressiveregulation. org/perspectives/secrecy_white_paper. pdf.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Health or wealth, which is better ? Essay

God, and value it next to a good conscience: for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of. a blessing that money cannot buy†. – Izaak Walton These are words of wisdom and none would question their validity. But there are times when people do value money over health. When a person has been deprived of a thing for too long, he longs for it: and as money is the commodity most in demand people want money to fulfill their eeds. It can help rent or build a house. It can buy medicines, clothes, fruit and food: it can pay for the small pleasures of life as well as the big ones – from a cup of tea to a holiday abroad. Aesthetic and cultural enjoyment – tickets for the latest play, an evening at the opera, an expensive book, the latest L. P. – all these money alone can buy. There are far too many things which are out of the reach of the middle and the working classes. A good education, expensive sports and games like skating and golf, raveling in comfort, owning the gadgets which add comfort to life – these are things which people with limited incomes cannot buy. The unprecedented unemployment of the thirties was responsible for a great deal of human misery and resulted in the loss of self-respect and dignity. It also forced people to recognize the worth of money and resulted in a disproportionate attachment to the material world. There is no denying the value of money and the pleasure of enjoying it: but there are basic issues involved. If money can be got only after a huge amount of sacrifice, is it worth t? Is it really necessary for human beings to go on increasing their needs and temporary pleasures? Or would it be wiser to impose a self-restraint on one’s needs? People get so busy in getting money that they forget how to enjoy it. Engaged in getting money, man has no time for his family or his friends and at times no time even for his health. On the other hand, the pursuit of money may adversely affect both his physical and spiritual health. He may overcome his initial scruples in his desire for power and money. The question then is how much evil is Justified to get to he good. If one has to choose and even if there is no choice, health is better than wealth. A healthy person can look after not only himself but also others. He can be a useful member of society and of a family. He can be generous and sympathetic and be constructive in his thinking. An ailing person whether man or woman is a drain on others. And money can buy medicines, pay for a visit to a health resort or long hospitalization but it can neither buy health nor happiness. It is immaterial that a man can buy an expensive pair of shoes, if he has no shoes. Ultimately it is equally irrelevant whether a man is dressed up in the most expensive clothes, or drives the latest model of an expensive car. What is important is how good a human being he is. And for this he needs health. If he is healthy, his whole approach to life will be governed by this factor. Ask a man who has been through a long illness and an equally long spell of poverty and he will chose health. Money is the value of the man- made world – not of the world God created. Health is a god-given grace and let us be grateful for it.

Analysing factors effecting Foreign Direct Investment in China Essay

Analysing factors effecting Foreign Direct Investment in China - Essay Example Southeast China in particular has become a hotbed of business activity. Presently, China is actively encouraging trade with the West, and it is a major trading partner of the United States. Despite this progress, many U.S. and European multinationals find that doing business in the PRC can be a long, gruelling process that often results in failure. One primary reason is that Western-based MNCs do not understand the role and impact of Chinese culture. The country launched its open door policy 26 years ago. Since the policy introduction the FDI flows in the country received a quick response. In 2004 China was at no.2nd position in the world of FDI with $64 billion. The Chinese FDI trends can be examined in two phases. In the third phase Deny Xiaoping opened China for overall economic reform. The phase was very fruitful for China. The government introduced new policies and market oriented economic reform. In result of these reforms the FDI's started flowing into the Chinese economy at rocket speed. In November 1999 US-China had an agreement regarding the WTO, according to which many new reforms were made (Sandra, 2001) those included In the first six months of 2002, act... One primary reason is that Western-based MNCs do not understand the role and impact of Chinese culture. Since the last few decades there has been a multifold increase in the FDI in China. The Chinese economy has now gaining the power of effecting the decisions of the economic bodies of the world. History of FDI growth in China: The country launched its open door policy 26 years ago. Since the policy introduction the FDI flows in the country received a quick response. In 2004 China was at no.2nd position in the world of FDI with $64 billion. The Chinese FDI trends can be examined in two phases. First phase: 1979-82 Second phase: 1984-91 Third phase: 1992-99 In the first phase the government establish for special zones with incentive policies. Although there was a high inflow into those regions, the total FDI flow reached US $ 1.8 billion. In the second phase the provinces were opened and recorded US $ 10.3 billion. In 1989 however the trend dropped. In the third phase Deny Xiaoping opened China for overall economic reform. The phase was very fruitful for China. The government introduced new policies and market oriented economic reform. In result of these reforms the FDI's started flowing into the Chinese economy at rocket speed. In November 1999 US-China had an agreement regarding the WTO, according to which many new reforms were made (Sandra, 2001) those included The sectors relating to the distribution services will be opened for repair and maintenance and China will phase in trading rights and distribution services over three years. The Government for the investment opened the telecommunication industry of China. The professionals were also allowed access to the service markets of China. The services included according, consulting, Information

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Analysis of the Public Policy Process of the United States Governance Essay

Analysis of the Public Policy Process of the United States Governance System - Essay Example lex for countries to make and implement foreign policy since increased globalisation has made the distinction between domestic and foreign policy rather blurred (Russell, 2000). What is more, in current times, even domestic decisions by cross-border and global effects. A good illustration of this assertion is the 2008 global financial crisis in which local decisions by states affected the wider globe. Nonetheless, it is still of great importance to learn and understand how each country makes its foreign policy and to appreciate how democratic these processes are. In the United States, the Constitution is the foundation of the foreign policy, especially, the making and the implementation of these policies. However, since historical times, foreign policy and constitutional experts have felt that the constitution has been a source of intrigues and struggles between the executive and the Congress with regards to the making of foreign policy in the U.S. Comparatively, the US has been found to apply a rather cumbersome process in making its foreign policy compared to those of other democracies such as Europe states. Although the provisions and safeguards entrenched in the US Constitutions are well intentioned and offer checks to tyrannical tendencies, they have often been the causes of struggles and tension between the executive and the legislature (Russell, 2000). Thus, these safeguards have made it rather difficult to formulate and implement foreign policy besides creating uncertainty on what the policies actually are. Consequent to this lack of clarity, foreign governments and interest groups have exploitatively pressured the US’s foreign policy for own benefits. Due to the roles of the executive and the legislature in foreign policy formulation and implementation, it becomes rather difficult to recognise and discern the main actors of foreign policy in the U.S (Russell, 2000). In the US, just like in most other countries, the three arms of the government; the

Monday, August 12, 2019

Positive Replacement Behaviors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Positive Replacement Behaviors - Essay Example 1). For reinforcements to effectively work, it was emphasized that students need to be deprived of whatever tool is planned to be used by educators as reinforcers. The crucial role of deprivation was initially thought of implied in early reinforcement theories, but as Bourbon disclosed, â€Å"if a child has all of the attention he or she needs or wants, then a teacher cannot use attention to "reinforce" the child’s behavior. No deprivation, no control of behavior. No control of behavior, no discipline program† (Bourbon: Deprivation and Positive Reinforcers, 1997, par. 6). Positive reinforcement was, therefore, defined as â€Å"a process in which a stimulus is presented following a particular behavior, thereby strengthening that behavior. The stimulus is referred to as a ‘reinforcer’ and is roughly synonymous with the word ‘reward’† (JRank Articles, 2012, par. 2). Simply put, positive reinforcement is a process that educators could implem ent in teaching students to act in a particular way and rewarding the students for manifesting correct behavior. On the other hand, negative reinforcements were described as â€Å"a process that involves the removal or reduction of a negative or unwanted stimulus after a behavior occurs, thereby strengthening that behavior. ... For example, students who are assessed to be sensitive to loud noises or instructional materials that could distract their attention could be provided with more conducive and accommodating learning environments, such as sitting them away from noisy areas, providing quiet learning spaces, and even providing some students with earphones which minimize noises and distractions and assist in focusing on the activities at hand. Plan for Students with Emotional Disabilities 1. Problem Behavior: Student A is identified to manifest "passive-aggressive" behavior by seeking attention and intermittently expressing anger indirectly through the use of manipulative behavior such as exhibiting cruelties, stubborn refusals to cooperate, being excessively loud with violent tendencies or exhibiting passive listening and being always out of the student’s seat. 2. Possible Explanations: Lack of support from members of the nuclear family; demographic profile (cultural background, income level, soci al support); history of abuse or violence; trauma from past events; academic failure; peer pressure; frustration. 3. Replacement Behavior: to appropriately deal with passive-aggressive behavior by: (1) asking assistance from a teacher or peer when he feels maladjusted behavior; (2) he will focus on clearly defined positive learning goals to assist in developing optimistic perception in life. 4. Goals: to apply positive reinforcement through (a) assessing the signs of passive-aggressive behavior together with Student A; (2) to recognize that positive behavior would be exhibited by cooperative learning, active listening and focused attention to learning activities; (3) to realize that there are support groups (teachers, peers) who she can tap in cases where maladjusted behavior tends to

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Performance Criteria Identified By Hillgren And Morse Essay

Performance Criteria Identified By Hillgren And Morse - Essay Example Hillgren and Morse (1998) established that similarities exist among high performing organizations. Their view of such organizations is based on financial accomplishments, employee motivation as well as service delivery and customer satisfaction. This paper critically compares the performance of Abercrombie and Fitch against the four performance criteria identified by Hillgren and Morse (1998). The multinational company deals with designer clothes. The paper highlights some practical examples related to the concepts, ideas and insights from their article titled â€Å"high performing organizations†. High Performing Organizations Direction is one of the basic elements identified by Hillgren and Morse (1998). Leaders need to ensure that the subordinates understand the organization’s principles. These are fundamental to its existence. The visionary leadership of Abercrombie and Fitch promotes a sense of purpose in the organization. The leaders understand the company’s vision and apply their skills to entrench creativity among the workers. Sensitization of employees regarding the achievement of the organization’s vision and core values is done regularly through staff meetings and weekly forums, which ensures that all team players in the various departments understand their roles in enhancing success. The sensitization approach corresponds to Hillgren and Morse’s assertion of â€Å"a clearly articulated and frequently communicated vision† (p 9), which is significant for high performing organizations. Behaviourization of values as proposed by Hillgren and Morse gives Abercrombie and Fitch a unique characteristic that enhances customer satisfaction. One of the core values is to ensure customer focused service delivery that is based on their needs rather than the company’s interests. Workplace diversity promotes strong interpersonal relationships among the staff, which helps in building talents and encouraging creativity. Exceptional contribution among staff is acknowledged and rewarded. The leaders act as role models of the organizational behaviour. Integrity is upheld and words correspond to the actions of staff members. The value metrics highlighted by Hillgren and Morse have been adopted by Abercrombie and Fitch. They help in establishing the level of customer satisfaction, which signifies the level of collaboration among staff. Value metrics are also significant in determining whether the organizational values have been upheld in service delivery to customers. Bhatt (2002) observed that â€Å"anything that gets measured gets done† (p 28). Abercrombie and Fitch’s value metrics are focused on the priority areas that are likely to be affected by the dynamics of the operating environment. For example, customers’ feedback offers a basis for the assessment of the level of satisfaction. After interacting with the company’s employees, the customers are given a chance to confi dentially rate and comment the quality of service offered to them. The management is able to determine the areas that require improvements as well as those that require reinforcement through assessing positive and negative feedbacks from consumers. The suggestion box also provides an opportunity to assess the organization’s leadership as well as the priority areas that need further consideration. Performance measurement is significant in assessing progress and planning for future improvements (Edwards et al. 2007). It helps in determining staff awareness regarding the direction of the organization. Abercrombie and F

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Controversial Images in Art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Controversial Images in Art - Assignment Example Something about the crucifix itself is that Christians treat it like a fashion accessory. When somebody sees it, he or she is horrified by it. However, in the real sense, it represents the crucifixion of a man. This controversial photo is not recommended for public displays. Being a photo that displays genitals, in can be viewed by children when displayed in public. Therefore, its display in public places would corrupt children’s minds. In addition, they can grow up having a poor spiritual mentality since they have seen a photographic display of Christ’s genitals. With many attacks made on the photo in public places, this photo is not good for public displays. Many Christians find the photo deeply offensive. For instance, Serrano’s work led to a congressional debate on United States’ public arts funding, which was held in France. During the debate, the photo was physically attacked. Also, a group of Catholics who gathered outside Edward Tyler Nahem gallery in midtown Manhattan opposed this work when the exhibition was opened (Chapman). According to Chapman, artists communicate identity through abstract or conceptual means. It therefore means that it is the responsibility of the artist to communicate through conceptual means such as photographs. Despite, using this means of communication, it should not trigger controversy among the intended audience. The artist needs to avoid using a photo that exposes nudity since the photo may lead moral decay among children who get to it. In addition, ethics should dictate what the artist does. He should be obliged not to knowing or unknowingly insult Christianity as a religion. It is also his utter responsibility not to create irrational beliefs in other religions. Making people believe in other things about their religion is a big danger to the religion they believe in (Chapman). The photo is

Friday, August 9, 2019

Identification of novel human cancer-specific antigens Literature review

Identification of novel human cancer-specific antigens - Literature review Example   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Likewise, opportunities to develop cancer treatment demonstrated promising results (Haffner et al., 2001; Jager, Jager, and Knuth, 2002; Fijak and Meinhardt, 2006; Park, Lin, Nishidate, Nakamura & Katagiri, 2006;   Tabi and Man, 2006;   Ã‚  Hayashi et al., 2007; Meklat et al., 2007; Dakshinamurthy, Ramesar, Goldberg and Blackburn, 2008; Hunder et al., 2008; Old, 2008; Caballero and Chen, 2009; Chen et al., 2009; Dubovsky et al., 2009; Fard and Modaressi, 2009; Vujanovic and Butterfield, 2009). Consequently, pioneering research in the search for effective cancer vaccines has produced cancer/testis antigens such as MAGE, GAGE, and NY-ESO-1 which are currently undergoing clinical trials (Mashino et al. 2001; Bowlus, 2007; Gierstoff and Ditzel, 2008). Each year more cancer/testis antigens are being identified, creating more opportunities for research and increasing the chances of developing cancer vaccines that can be used not only for treatments, but for prevention as well (Jager, Jager, and Knuth, 2002). Also, research on cancer/testis antigens has brought to light important discoveries on how mechanisms of cancer development work at a molecular level (Alters, 2000; Old, 2001; Gjerstoff, Kock, Nielsen and Ditzel, 2007; Delbridge, 2010; Inagaki, Schoenmakers and Baarends, 2010; Suzuki et al., 2010). Moreover, studies on the link between chromosomes and immune responses reveal that some cancers are more prevalent in males than in females. In addition, results also show that females may have higher cancer survival rates but are more susceptible to autoimmune diseases (Libert, Dejager and Pinheiro, 2010). Further research on the role of cancer/testis antigens should be conducted, particularly in determining the mechanisms that initiate cancer in the first place. Also, further studies should be performed to developed better cancer diagnostic methods and combination immunotherapy

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Child Abuse Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Child Abuse - Term Paper Example In addition, the warning signs of child abuse and neglect would be assessed. A transcript of a child previously abused was examined and briefly presented. Finally, ways of preventing child abuse would be identified to address this dangerous dilemma. Child abuse is defined by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC 2009) as â€Å"the term used when an adult harms a child or a young person under the age of 18† (par. 1). Medline Plus (2010) includes the phrase â€Å"failing to do something that results in harm to a child or puts a child at risk of harm† (par. 1) in the definition. Child abuse endangers the welfare of children as adults who are expected to give them their much needed protection either deliberately inflicts harm or neglects taking them under their holistic care. Conflicts arise when the interests and rights of people, particularly of children, do not coincide. More importantly, the study of issues on child abuse aims to ensure that their welfare is properly safeguarded against adults who apply power as a way to impose their actions and selfish interest on them. There are several forms of child abuse, to wit: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. Physical abuse entails injuring the child or inflicting physical harm through punishment. Adults may or may not deliberately harm the child but the force of their actions hurt them physically. Most common of the physical abuse uses the belt to punish a child’s wrong doing. Emotional abuse, on the other hand, is not immediately discerned by leaves psychological damage affecting both the child’s mental development and health status. Emotional abuses could take any of the following forms: (1) â€Å"constant belittling, shaming, and humiliating a child; (2) calling names and making negative comparisons to others; (3) telling a child he or she is â€Å"no good," "worthless,"